Saturday, February 9, 2013

Assignment 1

Mustang GT500

 The first picture it is one of my favor car that I costumed on the ford website. The car is called Mustang, one of popular muscle car in the United States.  From the origin picture you can see that the brand new Mustang is making the smoke by doing the burnout in a parking lot to shows how powerful is the Mustang.  However, I believe many people already know how powerful are the mustang from the origin picture, but I did add some effect to the picture to heighten that powerful, and show different meaning of the origin picture. First thing I did it I add the effect call HDR to the car to bring out the colour of the car, and used the comic effect on it to add the side effect on the car like add scratch on the car to make it look little bit older car and the shadow come out from the car to show that the main focus is on the car, also at the side I add a text “runaway” to tell us that this mustang is running away from something like a crime scene.  The reason I made all these change is that I want to let everyone know that mustang will be a chose for you if you decide to run away from something.

林丹( Dan Lin)

For this picture, he is known as the greatest badminton player of all time, two time Olympic champion, four time world champion and five time all England champion, he’s name is Dan Lin, also know a Super Dan. For this picture I didn't do a lot change to it because I don’t want to let the audience to be confused. As you can see from the origin picture is little dark or not brighten to the meaning of the picture. This picture is taken after Dan won the 2012 Olympic game in badminton, so I added the classics lomo effect on there to light up the picture, and also add the light the left top corner to shine Dan.  The reason I did theses changes is to make the picture little bit alive and to show that he is a shining star in the badminton field.


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